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UPDATE: The Kerzners' Reply (Deflection) to My Article & PROOF They Planned to Misuse Donation Money

Writer: Ed the SuckEd the Suck

Updated: May 1, 2021

We examined Ed the Sock and Liana K's multiple, simultaneous crowdfunding schemes, found them to be incredibly suspicious, and have asked them two very simple questions multiple times: (1) WHY did you raise so much money?, and (2) WHERE did the $116,400+ go?

First let's start off with the juiciest bit, an actual message from Liana Kerzner in which she admits she hoped her Kickstarter donation money would pay off previous legal debts COMPLETELY UNRELATED to the projects she claimed she was raising this money for with her husband, Second Place Prize winner in a Ziggy lookalike contest Steven Joel Kerzner:

Seems pretty cut and dry to me, but they're welcome to try to explain this just like they have an open invitation to answer the same simple questions I keep repeating: how much money did they raise, and what did they do with it?

Of course the Kerzners response to my queries so far is about as surprising as the results of a North Korean election: they completely ignored the questions!

Many people asked basically that same simple thing: "HOW MUCH did you actually take in donations and WHERE did it go?" We know for a fact they were seeing them.....

..... but they refused to answer, which makes them look very, very guilty indeed. (This is just a small fraction of the tweets directed at them that they completely ignored, by the way.)

When the questions kept coming though, with me continuing to stir the pot with a couple sock puppet accounts after they blocked me, they realized they had to respond.

So they posted a full accounting of how much money they took in donations, and how they spent it.

NAH! Of course they didn't! This is the Shitty Kerzners we're talking about. Obviously they would never do that. Instead, Liana Kerzner pulled one of her favourite tricks by playing the victim and desperately trying to falsely label me a "stalker"........

This is the classic DARVO-diva behaviour Liana K is famous for in Toronto's cosplay, convention and TV industry circles. It's a big reason why she is no longer welcome at so many events, why her own FutureCon failed so spectacularly, and why she (and her husband) have not been employable on radio or TV for the last decade (and apparently had to turn to these "crowdfunding" shenanigans).

Caught in one of her numerous lies, clearly knowing she can't actually answer the questions (because we can see they collected a shit ton more in donations than they actually needed, and that they did not deliver most of the projects and rewards they promised), Liana K is trying to turn the page, and also turn herself, the person accused of wrongdoing, into the VICTIM in this story! It would be funny if it was not so cowardly and awful.

Worse than that, she's also trying to paint herself to be some kind of HERO. She's not being asked questions about the money they raised and where it went because backers are angry that the Kerzners took their money then delivered almost nothing they promised. No, she's being asked questions about her crowdfunding schemes because..... she stood up for a victim of abuse? In 2010? Against an insane stalker?.... I mean, really? Sorry, but there's really no way to sugarcoat this, if you believe Liana K's pandering load of self-aggrandizing bullshit, you're at best very naive and at worst just plain fucking stupid.

As for this "stalker" nonsense.....

For the record, I know who she is talking about and I am 100% not this person. Also I will not go into details on this yet, but suffice it to say for now that there is absolutely zero evidence that Liana K ever had anything remotely resembling a "stalker" to begin with. Other than her own (very questionable) word and some heavily-edited screen grabs of conversations between her and friends of hers. So, just to be clear:

1. I am not a stalker,

2. I am not the person Liana K claims was her stalker,

3. There is zero evidence she ever had a stalker,

4. Even if she did, and even if I was this person, it has absolutely nothing to do with the facts and questions I have raised concerning how much money they collected and where it went.

These desperate "stalking" claims are a transparent attempt at deflection and a desperate attempt to discredit me.

If there is a single ounce of truth to her stalking allegations, I urge Liana K to contact the police immediately and ask them to investigate. I say this knowing full well she won't, because she knows something many of her followers apparently don't: that she's 100% full of shit here. I also know she and her Lilliputian husband Stevie live in constant fear of a knock on their door from the police...... or the tax man, or someone serving court papers, or any one of the many people they've lied to, taken advantage of or flat out ripped off.

Really Liana, for once please back up a single one of the countless lies that fall so effortlessly from your mouth, call the police and tell them you're a stalking victim. Show your followers how honest you are.

Anyway, to sum up Liana's response: she blocked @EdtheSuck, ignored the questions until she could no longer, then ranted about being victimized by an imaginary "stalker" in a pathetic attempt to deflect and win sympathy. When all she had to do if she's actually innocent is MAKE ONE POST SAYING HOW MUCH MONEY THEY COLLECTED AND WHAT THEY SPENT IT ON.

Gee, I wonder why she did that.

Meanwhile, how did cookie-making elf Steven Joel Kerzner (Ed the Sock) handle having his character questioned? Well, as usual he followed his wife's lead, then posted a single response to one of her bizarre "stalker" posts.......

Shitty Lil' Steve raises a good point here. Unfortunately the person replying makes a far better one.

What the Kerzners have done here is called "cherry picking". Out of the dozens of complaints and pieces of evidence presented in my blog, he has selected the one positive thing he can post about - the fact that they actually made a web series called Lady Bits. Note that he acts like I claimed they did not make it, when I clearly say in the blog that Lady Bits was completed, and pretty much on time. He's also pretending I didn't take the extra episodes or stretch goals into account, which I did. Very generously so, I might add. He's even acting like the "extra episodes" were some kind of "bonus" they provided their backers, when they were in his budget and paid for with those stretch goals.

This is a clumsy effort by Ed the Sock to make it look like my entire blog is discreditable based on a single false statement that I didn't even make! He utilizes this dishonest trick to deflect like his wife and avoid answering the simple question he has actually been asked...... HOW MUCH DID YOU COLLECT IN DONATIONS, AND WHERE DID IT GO?

So what have we learned from Liana K's "omigosh I'm being stalked!" rant and President of the Lollipop Guild Steven Joel Kerzner's "we made Lady Bits!" statement?....... Absolutely nothing other than that they are willing to do and say anything to avoid having to say how much money they collected in donations and what they actually spent it on.

They're just continuing to be evasive and deflecting the actual (super easy to answer if you're not guilty) question they're being asked.

They're shamelessly playing victims and pretending they've answered the accusations they know they haven't answered at all.

Also, thanks to Liana's admission in her message above, we now know that the Kerzners' planned to use their crowdfunding donations for reasons other than what they told their backers - on personal expenses unrelated to the projects donors were told they were supporting.

Shitty Liana and Shitty Steve, keep trying to shut down my Twitter, my blog and all my other pages. Even if you do somehow succeed more pages will pop up. I will continue sharing this information with everyone and continuing to ask you how much you collected from donors and what you did with their money until you account for it.



1 Comment

Nov 23, 2021

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