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Writer: Ed the SuckEd the Suck

DISCLAIMER: What follows is a mixture of fact, speculation & satire therefore “ALLEGEDLY” prefaces & applies to all posts. Updated April 11, 2019.

We have seen that the Kerzners raised a lot of money since 2016 they didn't need for projects and rewards they still have not delivered their backers...... but do they have a valid excuse?

They've definitely given us a lot of excuses, so let's go through them and see whether they hold up. (SPOILER ALERT: No. No they do not.)


EXCUSE #1..... "One of the incentives is a DVD of the show so I can't mail them until after the series is done."

Why is this excuse lame?

1. Because she knew that a DVD was one of the incentives she was promising from the very beginning.

2. Because there's no reason in the world why she has to send everything together. Send people the Frank Cho prints you promised then send them the DVD later!



EXCUSE #2...... "It's someone else's fault!"

This is just total bullshit. Shitty Steven and Shitty Liana are a two person operation working entirely out of their own home. The only people "handling fulfillment" are them, and even if this fictional employee did exist it would still be the Kerzners' responsibility because if you make promises to people, then hire a complete jackass who does nothing between 2017 and March, 2019 without supervising or firing them, that's on you.

Also, "this is something new for us", really? Because you've been tweeting about this bullshit and making promises since 2017, and when you posted this in late February 2019 it was "new to you" that you actually needed to deliver your T-shirts and other crap? Fuck off with your pathetic, made up excuses.


EXCUSE #3....... "We moved and it was soooooo haaaaaard!"

Fuuuuuuck offffffff, are you kidding me with this bullshit? How stupid do you think everyone is? Well actually, textbook narcissists do tend to think they are smarter than everyone else, so maybe it does make sense.

Liana and Steven have both used this moving excuse many times.

Again, their "production and post-production" space is THEIR OWN FUCKING HOME. It's not a massive complex with a separate studio space and post-production facility. It's them shooting shit in their house and editing it on their home computer!

"Anyone who has moved knows what a grind it is?" Sure. I have moved several times, and it is can be very annoying, but it does not render me completely unable to fulfill my work obligations for 1-2 YEARS!

How exactly does your house (sorry "Kerzner Mediarts Studios") being a "multi-use space" make it MORE difficult for you to work on the projects you promised and mail out the enticements you promised? Everything you need is under one roof where you also happen to live. You have 24 hour access to the stuff you need to hook up and use. That should make it faster and easier, not more difficult. You're trying to make your operation sound bigger than it really is, and your move more difficult, in an effort to excuse the fact you took people's money then didn't deliver what you promised. The sad truth is you just didn't make fulfillment of your promises to your backers a priority, if you tried to keep those promises at all.

Again, your "new facility" is your new fucking house, where you shoot all your videos. And saying you hope to "get production capability back online in the next two weeks" is another steaming pile of shit because YOU HAVE BEEN SHOOTING AND POSTING LIANA'S VIDEOS, INCLUDING LADY BITS, IN YOUR HOME THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. So why are you pretending you can't shoot your other videos? Why are you pretending you can't mail people the fucking T-shirts, autographed pictures and socks they paid for?


EXCUSE #4....... "The movers did it!"

"An unscrupulous and unprofessional moving company"..... "the reno/flooring service screwed up the job"..... so you're basically saying that, when you moved in November 2018 the moving company broke "many things" and also the flooring people screwed up, and that's why it was impossible for you two asshats to at any point between mid-2017 and March 2019 mail people their shit or start posting the videos you promised? Hard to believe. In fact, it's impossible to believe because it's total bullshit.


Have you ever noticed how whenever someone calls the Shitty Kerzners out on their bullshit their immediate go-to is to play the victim and blame someone else? Blaming their movers and flooring people for the fact they neglected to fulfill the promises they made people 2 years ago is especially weak though.


EXCUSE #5........ "Our tour threw our schedule off!"

So not only did the Kerzners decide to organize and go on a live tour instead of fulfilling their promises, they afterwards used that tour as an excuse why they STILL could not send people the rewards they paid for, or produce the shows they promised.



EXCUSE #6....... "It's YOUR fault!"

Steven was all over his IndieGogo page when he was selling his donor packages and collecting money. Funny thing though, the second his fundraising campaign ended he disappeared. Since that time he has only made a handful of sporadic updates and posts, and only in the face of many complaints.

People who actually gave him money asked reasonable questions but mostly went ignored. Those he did reply to got stock answers ranging from such scammer go-tos as "didn't you get my email?", or "you didn't give me your address" (no matter how many times we sent it to him).

Between the IndieGogo page and Twitter there are far too many examples, so here is just a sampling.

The Shitty Kerzners' FU Network campaign ended in July 2018. Here is what happened to one woman who began asking questions in December.

By February 2019 she still hadn't received a response. Also note that she, like many others, are TRYING TO GIVE HIM THEIR ADDRESSES so they can get their stuff.

As you can see, Steven played stupid, asking what she was waiting for when she already told him. He asked for her address, and when she couldn't get another reply she posted it on the site. Yet in April 2019 she is STILL waiting to receive ANYTHING:

So of course Steven once again asks for her address, claiming she never sent it even though it is literally right there on the same page!

Her exchange is typical. Others have also received nothing. Donors who asked questions were constantly frustrated by Steven's brush-offs or by his simply ignoring them. Here are more concerned backers, none of whom received ANY of the perks the Kerzners promised more than NINE MONTHS after the FU Network IndieGogo campaign.

Many donors with the same complaints, all ignored by Steven. Similar complaints were all over Twitter. Note how their stories all line up and they have not received ANY of the perks, digital or physical.

The digital perks are videos the Kerzners already have that just needed to be uploaded to Dropbox, which could have been done anywhere at any time, yet they simply didn't bother doing it. As for the physical perks, it's obvious the Kerzners simply were not working on them. Whenever Steven couldn't just ignore backers who were growing angry and even threatening to report him or withdraw their donations, he resorted to playing stupid and asking the same questions he already knew the answers to.

Why did Steven keep asking donors what they didn't get when weren't getting anything? He's just deflecting. Asking multiple times for addresses, claiming he didn't get emails, making nonsensical excuses..... he's just buying time and dodging blame.

We keep seeing the same complaints and excuses. Here's another example from Twitter:

And another:



A text reply to Serson's video from someone who seems to know the Kerzners:

When all else failed Steven would even get mad at his own donors for questioning him:

And he wants it all kept to private emails and DMs (even though he was ignoring them).

Funny how upset Steven gets at having his character questioned in a public forum, when he has displayed a real lack of it.

Bare in mind, all of these people are not anonymous trolls. They are actually the Kerzners' donors. In fact, you can't even post on the IndieGogo page if you haven't backed the project. It just shows how badly he treated and stiffed them.


EXCUSE #7....... Blame the Chinese!

It's nice to see that when all else fails, Shitty Steven is not above resorting to xenophobic finger-pointing at international bogeymen.

After bailing on his donors for months following his IndieGogo campaign, Steven announced in September 2018 that he was FINALLY going to get people's rewards out - including the Ed the Sock socks, now that those Chinese speaking Chinese people finally sent him his samples!

So you see, Steven didn't drag his feet for months and just neglect to order the socks, he was simply concerned with quality control! (Of course he doesn't say why all the other stuff had been waiting so long, but that's probably also somehow China's fault.)

When donors still had not received their rewards another two months later, more complaints were made, and Steven again deflected the blame onto the Chinese.

He had already seen and approved the samples in September and said he ordered them then, so this "on their way from China" excuse two full months later seems quite flimsy. But at least he softens the bad news by including vaguely racist "swimming donkey" jokes.

In a late November update Shitty Steven once again told his donors the socks were on their way and assured them he would do his best to get them to people by Christmas.

But did they get them by Christmas? Of course not! Even now, in April 2019, donors continue to complain that they have received NONE of the perks they paid the Kerzners for!

What makes this especially scummy of them is the fact that the socks actually did come.

They had them by November 27, 2018.

They had more than enough time to get them to all of the donors who paid for them before Christmas.


Of course when angry donors asked when the living fuck he would finally send THEM the socks they already bought and had been waiting months for, Steven said they were "in the mail"......

But that was just another Kerzner lie.

What a shameless scumbag.


EXCUSE #8........ "Ouch! My back!"

This is another frequently used Shitty Kerzner excuse to avoid blame but also win sympathy. Liana in particular is always complaining about her spectacular "injuries," both physical and emotional..... and both real and imagined.

This time it's Steve Kerzner who claims to have a bad injury. Funny though how this "immobilizing back injury" prevented him from shooting the videos or mailing out the rewards he promised, but still allowed him to...... move to a new home....... shoot the videos Liana wanted to........ shoot the videos HE wanted to........ plan his live Ed the Sock tour........ GO ON THE TOUR......... dick around on Twitter all day every day......... get every single tiny bit of press coverage, interview and gig he could scrape up....... and do a million other fucking things he'd rather do than what people had already paid him to.

In short, he was physically unable to do the things he promised to do and took everyone's money for, but was totally able to do all the things he really WANTED to do.

What a disgusting little piece of shit you are, Steven.

You too, Liana.

It's so sad that you are two middle aged adult human beings who ALWAYS BLAME OTHER PEOPLE FOR YOUR OWN FAILURES AND NEVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. It's obvious that you simply didn't bother to put together people's rewards packages. You chose to work on your own projects and make your own videos instead of the ones you promised your backers, which they paid you a lot of hard earned money for. So just fucking admit it and stop acting like a couple of whiny, entitled assholes.



We've looked at the Kerzners' fundraisers and have raised a number of questions about them. They have made good money in their careers and have significant assets, but have collected well over $100,000 from donors for projects and rewards, most of which they have not delivered on. The delays have been unacceptable and their excuses ridiculous, while they continue collecting cash from people today.

So ultimately we are still left with one big question that only the Shitty Kerzners can answer..........






Apr 19, 2019

this couple of snakes deserve each other. lies lies and more lies


Apr 18, 2019

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE Steve and Liana Kerzner are awful people and this makes them even worse. Very well written and researched and I really hope you get it into newspapers or TV news or something to expose these con artists!



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