DISCLAIMER: What follows is a mixture of fact, speculation & satire therefore “ALLEGEDLY” prefaces & applies to all posts. Updated April 11, 2019.
We'll have to do some arithmetic here, because the Shitty Kerzners don't just have one crowdfunding campaign between them. They don't even just have one crowdfunding campaign EACH. They both have multiple crowdfunding campaigns.
Let's break it down........
1. Steven Kerzner's Indiegogo (for Ed the Sock's FU Network) took in $28,100+
2. Liana K's "Lady Bits" Kickstarter took in $31,600+
1. Liana K's Patreon takes in $1,400 every month (ongoing).......
She set up her Patreon on September 3, 2014. I don't have access to figures before September, 2015, but since that time she's brought in another $45,800+ here so far, not including the year from September 2014 to August 2015.
Shitty Liana will likely claim her Patreon and Kickstarter are separate projects requiring separate funds but Lady Bits is simply an extension of Liana K's already existing YouTube channel, where Lady Bits is hosted. She has even said so herself:

2. The Kerzners' Patreon for The FU Network (edthesockFU) is still active.
The amount being raised on that site has been hidden since January 2017, but at that time it had grown to $150/month and was still climbing. Even at just $150/month that's another $4000+ since 2017.
3. A separate Patreon for "Live from Canada it's Ed the Sock" (edthesocklive) was also set up to help the Kerzners raise funds for the live streaming show they did from the Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Toronto.
This seems sketchy because that is the Kerzners' main (seemingly only) show on the "FU Network" other than Lady Bits, both of which they were also collecting money for at the same time and on top of the "network's" IndieGogo fundraising. This edthesocklive Patreon has either been shut down or is hidden, so I can't say for sure how much they made with that one. But we'll be super kind and call it $0.
1. PayPal - According to Shitty Steven himself the Kerzners did reach their $35,000 FU Network Kickstarter target through additional PayPal funds they requested during that campaign.
The Shitty Kerzners have actually been requesting PayPal donations on their social media since at least April 4, 2017, and on their FU Network website since it was published in 2016, where they continue to actively collect through PayPal today, so it's safe to assume they've brought in quite a lot more than the extra $6,900 specifically needed to hit that Kickstarter target. But because we don't have access to those numbers we'll just use that $6,900 figure that they've admitted to.
2. Legal Fund - According to Da Serson Room, Ed the Sock also raised fees for a "legal war chest" related to Bell Media having "shut down" his FU Network with a copyright claim, but I only turned up these tweets by Ed the Sock:

He does say he's collecting money for a "legal war chest" to fight the "oppression" he faces at the hands of Bell Media, but the fundraiser itself here is not a new one, it simply links to the exact same FU Network fund.
He reportedly also collected PayPal donations to fund this completely manufactured "legal battle" on his Ed the Sock and FU Network websites, but again we do not have those numbers and until we do we'll call it $0.
So this is $0 additionally earned........ but it's still super scummy to pretend you're collecting for a legal fund to fight corporate harassment when you're using it on your website and not actually involved in any litigation with them, no? It might even be fraudulent. Anyway, let's add all these "fundraisers" up.
When we take only these numbers they've made publicly available, and give them every possible benefit of the doubt by erring on the "least scummy possible" side of our estimates, the Kerzners have still brought in more than:
The Shitty Kerzners can argue over dollars and cents all they want, and I'm certain they will, but we don't need to know exact numbers. All that's important to know for now is that even though they made a lot of money in their careers, they're now begging the public for MORE money. Even though they have already collected plenty of it across multiple crowdfunding platforms, which suspiciously overlap each other, they're still collecting thousands a month. Which leads us to our next question.........
This is the article where I really started to see just how deep and scummy Steve and Liana Kerzner's snail trail was. It's like they have no empathy or morals at all.