DISCLAIMER: What follows is a mixture of fact, speculation & satire therefore “ALLEGEDLY” prefaces & applies to all posts. Updated April 11, 2019.

This is a picture of three buttheads.
If you know the butthead on the left or the right, we'd love to hear from you!
Are you one of the people who gave them money? Did you meet them at one of their appearances?
Whether your experience was good or bad, we want to hear from you!
We're especially interested in your story if you've ever WORKED WITH or FOR the Kerzners....... if you know them PERSONALLY....... or if you've had CON EXPERIENCES with them.......
Tell us your story. We won't publish it or your name without your permission:
Thank you and I hope I do get a million stories but if you have one why don't you send me that one? edthesuck@gmail.com - I don't need to put your name in my blog if you don't want me to. But you seem to have put your own name here in the comments anyway haha.
Good luck to you in your quest!
I only spent a little time with them on two different days when they were working on an awards show my friend was also working on and they were bratty divas making demands and literally yelling at people. Trust me you will get a million stories just like that especially about Liana who thinks she is a star or something.